Hello, Fellas! :D I'm Steffi, a blogger who wants to share with you the healthy and good ways to lose weight. First of all, I wanna say that any body shape is beautiful. If you have body like Taylor Swift, then cool! If you have body like Beyonce, fine! Go rock it! You're sexy.
Halo, Teman! :D Aku Steffi, blogger yang mau berbagi cara diet sehat dan aman. Pertama, aku mau bilang semua tipe badan itu indah. Kalau kalian punya badan kaya Taylor, keren! Kalau kaya Beyonce, bagus! Pede aja!
PS: I just wanna tell you that I've done some trial since 2012 up to now. I've tried many kinds of diet. And, in this post, I'll tell you the most effective, healthy, and safe one, 'cause I don't want to endanger you.
PS: aku sudah coba beberapa jenis diet sejak 2012. Dan, di artikel ini, aku mau ngasih tau yang paling efektif, sehat, aman, soalnya aku ga mau bahayain kalian.
Now, in this post, I'd love to answer some of interesting questions that I got recently and frequently. And, also, telling some of important things you need to know about healthy diet that the internet hasn't told you yet in complete, but brief yet fun.
Sekarang, di artikel ini, aku mau jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan menarik kalian yang sering aku dapat akhir-akhir ini. Dan, juga ngasih tau hal penting yang kalian perlu tau soal diet sehat, yang belum ada di internet, secara komplit, tapi singkat dan menyenangkan.
I hope you're open-minded about this and see this post as something useful for helping you to lose weight or being fit. And, always, I'd love you to be objective about this post.
Aku harap kalian berpemikiran terbuka soal ini dan melihat artikel ini sebagai sesuatu yang bermanfaat untuk membantu menurunkan berat badan atau tetap fit. Dan, selalu, aku mau kalian objektif soal artikel ini.
PS: English isn't my mother language.
Now, let's start! :D
As I promised, here are my before after photos.
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
1. I ever read your blog. You said that S brand gel helping the slimming process. Does it really work?
To be honest, that gel is helping the burning the fat process. So, in my opinion, it depends on how many moves you make. I could say it helps about 20%. To me, when it comes to lose weight that works best is workout.
Aku pernah baca blogmu. Kamu bilang kalau gel merek S bisa membantu proses pengurusan. Manjur nggak sih?
Jujur aja gel itu membantu proses pembakaran lemak. Jadi menurutku, balik lagi ke seberapa banyak kamu gerak. Aku bilang sih membantu sekitar 20%. Buat aku, kalau diet, yang paling manjur itu olahraga.
2. You wrote that you wear elastic corset. What brand is it?
Sorry, I can't tell you the brand, 'cause I'm afraid that I'll break one of the rules of putting something in internet. But, it's B brand. You can guess or ask me via e-mail, if you really wanna know 'bout that.
Kamu tulis kalau kamu pakai korset yang (bahannya) bisa melar. Mereknya apa?
Sorry, aku nggak bisa bilang, soalnya takut melanggar aturan penggunaan internet. Tapi itu merek B. Kalian boleh tebak atau kalau benar-benar pengen tau, bisa e-mail aku.
PS: number 3, 4, and 5 aren't questions. But, I'd love to say something about it.
3. I've been reduced my sleeping time recently, 'cause I believe sleeping is the cause of weight gain.
Oh, Honey! Rest less makes you gain weight instead. Go take a rest sometimes! 8 hours at night and 2 hours at afternoon. If you don't have that much time, only 8 hours at night is okay. First, if you don't get enough rest, your digestive system messed up (and, so your skin recovery, if you recently experienced break out). Second, if you feel tired, you might want to eat more (if you don't have a good self control), 'cause you think that eating might recharge your energy.
Aku mengurangi waktu tidurku akhir-akhir ini, soalnya aku yakin tidur adalah penyebab kegemukan.
Kurang istirahat justru bikin kamu gemuk. Istirahat sesekali! 8 jam pas malam dan 2 jam pas siang. Kalau ga punya banyak waktu 8 jam pas malam aja gapapa. Pertama, kalau nggak dapat cukup istirahat, sistem pencernaan jadi kacau (dan, regenerasi kulit juga, kalau akhir-akhir ini mengalami masalah kulit). Kedua, kamu kecapekan yang bikin pengen makan lebih banyak lagi (kalau ga bisa kontrol diri), karena kamu pikir makan bisa mengisi energimu.
4. I ate Boba's bubbles as my lunch.
Oh, Honey! Go, order food with carbs! That's not what I meant by eat less. Order 1 portion! Don't spend all of it, if you're full! Take away the rest!
Aku makan topping bubble buat makan siang.
Pesan makanan berkarbohidrat! Itu bukan yang aku maksud makan dikit. Pesan 1 porsi! Jangan diabisin semua, kalau kenyang! Bungkus sisanya!
Fyi, when I was on diet, I ate really small portion of food and almost fainted all the time, go to doctor often, and almost hospitalized. Just let you know how dangerous eat less.
Sebagai info, pas aku diet, aku makan dikit banget dan mau pingsan terus, sering ke dokter, dan hampir masuk RS. Aku cuma mau ngasih tau seberapa bahayanya makan kesedikitan.
5. I skipped my breakfast, 'cause I was almost late for school and it's also not my routine.
Go get breakfast at first break of school! Eat your breakfast next time! It's the most important meal of the day.
Aku nggak sarapan, soalnya aku hampir telat, lagian nggak biasa (sarapan).
Sarapan pas istirahat pertama! Lain kali jangan lupa sarapan ya! Itu makanan paling penting dalam sehari.
*for those who are wondering, previous post about diet had been deleted by me, 'cause I think those types of diet only work for the new me who only needs to stay in shape.
*buat yang bingung, artikel diet sebelumnya udah aku hapus, soalnya cara diet gituan cuma manjur buat aku (yang baru) yang cuma butuh jaga badan.
Diet Tips
- It'll be effective for you to swim, after gym. Gym shapes your body, swim shapes and makes your legs longer. Remembering you'll go swimming later on, don't workout too hard! Don't workout more than 1 hour!
Bakal lebih efektif, kalau kamu renang setelah gym. Gym bentuk tubuhmu, renang bentuk kakimu dan membantumu lebih cepat tinggi. Mengingat kamu bakal renang nantinya, jangan olahraga terlalu keras! Jangan olahraga lebih dari 1 jam!
- Try yoghurt, if you're not allergic towards dairy. Oh, and, also pudding and agar agar. They taste better than other foods with fiber.
Cobain yoghurt, kalau kamu nggak alergi susu. Oh, juga puding dan agar agar. Itu lebih enak daripada makanan berserat lainnya.
- If you wanna lose weight fast, you should not take cheat day. Diet will not work, if you cheat often. Remember? Instead, try to find delicious healthy food or snack recipes on the internet!
Kalau kamu pengen cepat langsing, kamu sebaiknya nggak ambil cheat day. Diet nggak manjur, kalau kamu curang terus. Ingat? Daripada curang, cari resep makanan atau snack sehat yang enak di internet!
- Don't weigh yourself, 'cause there are only two things that might happen after knowing you don't lose any weight or gain more instead: first, you're stressed out, depressed, and then you know the drill. Something bad like anxiety could happen. Second, from that stress, you wanna eat more.
Jangan nimbang, soalnya cuma ada 2 kemungkinan setelah tau beratmu nggak turun atau tambah gendut: pertama, stres, depresi, dan kamu tau selanjutnya. Hal buruk kaya kecemasan bisa terjadi. Kedua, gara-gara stres, kamu pengen makan banyak.
- Set your role model photo (could be a fitness guru, blogger, or artist) as your lockscreen or wallpaper so that you're motivated.
Pasang foto panutanmu (fitness guru, blogger, artis) sebagai lockscreen atau wallpaper sehingga kamu termotivasi.
- Instead of setting alarm for how long workout, make a list of what you wanna exercise, then tick it, after you're finished.
Daripada pasang alarm buat berapa lama olahraga, buat daftar apa yang pengen kamu latih, terus centang deh setelah kamu selesai.
- The internet always says drink more when it comes to lose weight. But, for some people, drinking ordinary mineral water could not be fun. So, try hot greentea instead! PS: some of fitness gurus suggest infused water, but slicing fruits is a hassle for lazy people. And, I believe there are a lot of lazy people in this world. I'm one of them. LOL!
Mengenai diet, internet selalu menyarankan untuk banyak minum. Tapi buat beberapa orang, minum air putih ga enak. Jadi coba greentea hangat! PS: banyak fitness guru menyarankan infused water, tapi motong buah itu merepotkan buat orang malas. Dan, aku yakin banyak orang malas di dunia ini. Aku salah satunya. Hahahahhahah.
- Don't drink ice, it can make your fat frozen.
Jangan minum es, itu bisa membuat lemakmu jadi lemak jenuh.
- Try carbs diet! What I mean by carbs diet is eating less carbs like half portion of rice, mashed potato, and so on, not eating zero carbs. PS: and, yeah, eating less carbs means you may eat more main course. But, what I mean by eating more main course isn't beef, pork, and so on. I mean healthy foods like chicken breast and vegetables.
Coba diet karbohidrat! Maksudku kurangin karbohidrat (makan setengah porsi nasi), bukan ga makan karbohidrat sama sekali. PS: dan, ya, kamu boleh makan lauk banyak. Tapi maksudnya lauk bukan daging sapi, babi, dll. Maksudku lauk sehat kaya dada ayam dan sayuran.
- If you wanna lose weight fast, you should not eat oily or buttery foods. They might make your weight loss taking a long time, mainly abs area. PS: what I mean by oily foods and so on are not only snacks like mac chicken nugget, so on. But, you also should not eat any pancake, etc.
Kalau pengen cepat langsing, kamu sebaiknya ga makan makanan berminyak atau bermagarin. Itu bikin berat ga turun-turun, terutama daerah abs. PS: yang aku maksud makanan berminyak, dll bukan gorengan kaya mendoan, perkedel jagung, pisang goreng aja lho. Tapi juga lauk tahu dan tempe goreng, dll.
- If you try to lose weight on abs area and don't have much time, try to do crunches for 100x in the morning, as soon as you wake up so you don't have to workout later on. Make it as routine!
Kalau kamu mau membentuk abs dan ga punya banyak waktu, coba crunches 100x pagi, sesegera mungkin, setelah kamu bangun sehingga kamu ga perlu olahraga nantinya. Jadikan rutinitas! PS: kalau ga kuat, ya istirahat dulu bentar, 10 detik.
Question of the day: what do you think about this new bilingual concept and font color?
Thank you for reading! ♥
E-mail: xfransiscasteffi@gmail.com
Instagram: instagram.com/fransiscasteffi
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People mostly read:
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Facebook: facebook.com/fransiscastf
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+fransiscasteffi
Shop: tokopedia.com/sweetnessshop
People mostly read:
- TMI (Too Much Information) Tag:
- Salatiga-Bandungan Trip:
- Traveling Outfit:
Thank you so much for your kind words in my last post, honey! That means a lot to me and my family <3
BalasHapusIt's very very imporant to sleep those 8 hours every night! I loved your tips!
Blog An Aesthetic Alien | Instagram | Facebook
thank you 🙂
HapusLuar biasa ini tipsnya, tapi kalau bagi saya sih yang penting selalu sehat. Diet sih sah-sah aja tetapi harus tetap memperhatikan kesehatan
BalasHapusthank you! :) you do you, girl.